Our Bison Herd

Our ranch is dedicated to raising pure plains bison. They roam on approximately 140 acres of grassland next to the Little Red Deer River in Eagle Hill, Alberta. The breeding herd is made up of 35 bison cows with four breeding bulls. Each April and May little red calves arrive and they spend the summer and winter romping with their protective mothers. Calves are tagged and weighed in November during our annual round-up and then return to the pasture with their mothers until they are weaned in January. Once weaned, they are typically sold for breeding at other pure plains bison ranches or for consumption.

We are very passionate about regenerative agriculture where we focus on conservation and rehabilitation of soil and animal. When the forage has been lightly clipped but not destroyed, animals are rotated through our pastures. After being grazed by our herd, the plants pull out nutrients that are stored in their roots to regrow their leaves, and that new foliage provides energy that allows the plants to replenish their root systems. The importance of soil health and maintaining a healthy herd are concatenated, as the herd aids with sequestering carbon.

Our bison live happy lives out on pasture with as much freedom as our ranch can offer. We strive to keep the animals content with minimal stress and handling. This in turn provides the making of beautiful, healthy animals and delicious meat.